
Monday, November 25, 2013

#Friendsgiving and Thanksgiving

While at the bars one night (isn't that where the best decisions are made), Natasha and I thought it would be fun to have a Thanksgiving for friends (aka: Friendsgiving). So with a little planning and a Facebook invite sent, we had a good sized shindig at Casa de Brioni!
Since I have no culinary skills whatsoever, Natasha graciously offered to cook the turkey I had bought! ;) She did a superb job--brining it and everything!
Homemade pumpkin pies!

What a spread! Not bad for a group of 20-somethings...and a couple of 30-somethings ;)

Ian carving up the turkey! #likeaboss

Judy cutting up the porcetta!
We had over twenty people over at our lil' place so we had to spread out. Some of us were in the living room...

Grabbing a seat wherever!

And then another group of us were in the dining room. Times like this I wish we had an open concept home or more space!

In any case I love having my friends together!

Here I am!

Real Thanksgiving was good too! This year it was at my family's (Justin and I alternate Thanksgiving and Christmas between Maryland and Kentucky).

Dad carving up the turkey

The family spread with a mix of both American and Filipino food!

So that's what I did back in November...many moons ago. What about you guys? Do you have a Friendsgivng? If not, do you do any other fun holiday celebration with friends such a cookie exchange or white elephant?