
Monday, January 24, 2011

Week 6: Walls Come Tumblin' Down

Hello Everyone! Hope you all had a good weekend! It was mighty chilly over here so I spent the majority of my weekend trying to stay warm!  Headed out to DC to celebrate the birthday of my friend and spent Sunday Funday watching the NFL Championships beneath a bevy of blankets and a space heater on full blast.  And of course I tried to catch up on my blog entries...

I can't believe it has been over a week since my last post.  Work has been keeping me really busy and I haven't been able to come up for air.

Anyways, last week Justin checked out the progress on the house.  The good news is that the wall between the dining room and the kitchen has been torn down, thus creating an open space between the two areas.  The bad news is the ceiling height of the kitchen extension is taller than the dining area.  That means we have to raise the ceiling in the original part of the house.  And the bottom line is that we'll have to spend more money.  On the bright side, we won't be paying out of pocket for this expense.  We'll just use some of the money from a reimbursement for the foundation issue, and use it toward the ceiling.  As a consideration for the unexpected expense, our contractor has offered to paint the kitchen/dining area.

BEFORE:  This is a view of the old kitchen from the entry way of the dining area from the hallway.   That red wall is something, isn't it?

AFTER:  Now that the wall between the kitchen and the dining area has been knocked down, it has definitely opened things up.  Here is a picture from the same place.  I swear, every time   we move forward in the renovation, I can't believe it is the same space!

Here is a close up pic of where the wall was, with some of the bricks still remaining.

A view from our new kitchen door that leads to the hallway.  See that zippered entryway? That's where I took the first picture from.  It is plastic sealed and zippered so that that dust from the renovation won't travel throughout the house (although I think it might be too late because there is dust from the kitchen all the way up in the master bedroom!)

This week we are supposed to be meeting with our contractor to discuss cabinetry; everything from the layout to the type we like.  Things seem to be moving along swimmingly and I can't wait to see the kitchen a little more fleshed out!

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