
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Wedding Weekend: Ben and Ashley's Cape Cod Wedding

Weddings are always a fun time, especially when they take place in a location you've never visited before and the wedding has a unique theme to it.  When Justin's friend from high school invited us to his wedding in Sandwich, Massachusetts (i.e. "the Cape Cod area"), both of us knew we were in for a unique experience, considering the groom's personality and sense of humor.  The wedding took place at a campground, and guests were provided cabins, for lodging purposes if you chose to stay the night following the wedding festivities.  Neither Justin nor I had been to "the Cape Cod area," nor had we attended a non-traditional wedding like this one.  This trip called for some special music, Vampire Weekend's Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa! :)

The weather was perfect and the ceremony had an interesting twist to it that was far from the traditional seating arrangement you would be accustomed to in a regular "church" wedding.

A shot of the snazzy footwear!

Because the wedding was in the Quaker fashion, everyone got a chance to stand up and say some words to the happy couple. Below are some of the Louisville crew that shared their memories and offered the couple their well wishes.

The happy couple looking lovingly into each other's eyes. How sweet!

After the ceremony, it was time to go to the reception hall for the rest of the festivities. Below is my place setting.

Here's a picture of our place settings. To signify their love of reading, each table was was assigned one of their books. Our table was The Areas of My Expertise by John Hodgeman.

Then it was time to eat! Our meal was provide by a local smokehouse and the sodas were local too! I definitely enjoyed eating (and drinking!) my way through Massachusetts. 

Instead of a traditional guestbook, they had their guests fill out their marriage advice on postcards. I loved pursuing the eclectic mix of postcards ranging from graphic prints to pastoral Kentucky scenes. On the same table were "Ben and Ashley-themed" Mad Libs. Each guest had to fill one out, and Ben and Ashley would choose one to win a prize.

A shot of the lights and bunting hanging from the ceiling. 

The main stage centerpiece was a cow head, a huge tub of marshmallow fluff, and a marshmallow fluff cookbook. I'm not sure why they were there, but I'm sure there was some cool story behind it!

The reception capped off with an epic dance party, but after the reception was over the party wasn't over yet. We went back to our yurt (yes, we stayed in a nomadic dwelling structure used by such people as the Mongolians!) to get out of our dress clothes and into something more comfy!

It's thug life up in this yurt piece!

After we changed, we headed down to the campfire to share some stories (that didn't make the ceremony!) and drink some beers. They even had s'mores so I helped myself. 

The fire was so warm and toasty!

All smiles around the campfire!

After the campfire, we got hungry again so we went on a search for food. Because we were out in the woods, a drive-thru wasn't an option. Then a light bulb went off. We would look for the leftover barbecue from the reception! Luckily we found someone that gave us directions to the walk-in refrigerator. And Bingo! We hit the jackpot!

With food in our bellies wandered back to our yurt to get some shut eye. The next day we had breakfast and said our good-byes. 

But before we left the newlyweds announced the winner of the last night's wedding mad libs. And wouldn't you know? We won! Do you remember the tub of marshmallow fluff and the fluff cookbook? Well, that was the prize for the winners! ;)

Thank you Ben and Ashley for allowing us to be a part of your special day. Your wedding weekend was truly unique and one we'll never forget!

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