Hello Everyone! I had such a busy and fun-filled weekend, probably one of the most jam-packed weekends I’ve had in a while. Justin and I had a full social calendar that started on Thursday. (I'm really bad at keeping up-to-date blog posts, I'm telling you about what I did over the weekend on Tuesday, sigh...)
On Thursday, Justin and I, along with my sisters and our roommate, went to see David Guetta at Fur (Yup, the guy behind “I Gotta Feeling” by the Black Eyed Peas and “The Club Can’t Handle Me” by Flo-rida). I haven’t been to Fur in a while, but I would have to say it was packed! David Guetta isn’t my top choice for “house,” but why not? Everyone needs a little cheese in their life, right? J The hubby, who doesn’t even listen to dance music, even enjoyed himself with the help of some good ol’ friends: red bull and vodka. It definitely was a good night, as Guetta played all his popular jams. The downside of the night was that I had to go to work a few short hours after we got home (he didn’t start performing until Midnight and we didn’t leave until 2:30am), and I left my credit card and license at Fur (boo!).
I asked my sister Jill to do one thing: “Take a picture of David Guetta.” Behold, she comes back with no picture of Guetta, but instead has a million pictures of the crowd. Gah! Despite there being no picture of the man himself, the crowd pics were pretty cool—like this one.
Kinda Ibiza-like if I do say so myself! |
On Friday (while running on four hours of sleep), we went to the Wizards vs. Trail Blazers game at the Verizon Center. It was John Wall bobblehead night so we made sure we got there early! Did I mention that I have a thing for bobbleheads and sporting events? If you are a sports team having a bobblehead night, I will be there! (LOL) I got a nice little collection so far! The Wizards were behind most of the time (Wall’s game looked a little off too), but they were able to catch up and pull off an 83-79 win! Yay! Justin and I definitely root for the Wizards more since John Wall got drafted.
Saturday we had two parties to attend. The first one was a potluck with my Filipino co-workers. We had a great time sharing our Filipino-American stories of growing up, singing magic mike and watching the variety shows on The Filipino Channel. We couldn’t stay long because we had to head to my friend’s birthday party up in Maryland. For her birthday, I got her a pretty sweet Hypnotiq gift set, with some glasses and an ice bucket; however, upon our arrival, we were surprised to find out that she is pregnant! I am so happy for the both of them! J Justin enjoyed himself also, sampling my friend’s husband’s collection of boutique/small batch bourbons.
Sunday is typically “fun day,” but for us it was a running errands day. We started the day watching the Redskins-Giants game at Hard Times Café. By halftime, I couldn’t stomach any more football, so we headed off to Bed Bath and Beyond à la Old School. Haha, just kidding (we’ve been watching Old School on OnDemand all week). We really went to IKEA to look at some kitchens. Here are some of the kitchens that caught our eye.
We like these cabinets |
Can you tell we like dark brown? |
Hopefully this trip inspired us and will make it easier for us when it is time to make decisions on our kitchen renovation. At least we’ll already know what we want, right?
Whew! I’m exhausted just telling you about our weekend! I hope you all had a good weekend as well. Did you go Christmas shopping yet? I still need to do that, but we have another busy weekend ahead of us…but you will have to stay tuned. J