Did I ever tell you guys that I lack a green thumb? Yup, I'm a plant killer (not intentionally, of course). Last winter I grew a beautiful potted amaryllis and it grew super tall. Unfortunately, it died because I forgot to keep watering it. A couple of months ago I won a potted plant at a raffle and it died because I forgot to water it before Justin and I went out of town for the weekend. With my plant track record you could imaging Justin's surprise when I asked him to pick up our free bulbs.
Crocuses and Daffodils |
I heard about the bulb giveaway from one of the Capitol Hill blogs that I read. It announced that the Capitol Hill Garden Club would be giving out free flower bulbs for planting in the Fall for bloom in the Spring. The only catch is that you have to plant them in public areas (e.g.: tree boxes) or places that can be seen from the street (e.g.: your front lawn) and you have to live within the Capitol Hill boundaries (e.g.: Ward 6).
Note: Louie on the porch overseeing my work |
Since I had never planted bulbs before (I saw my parents do it once a long time ago) or anything else for that matter, I thought this would be a cost-effective (meaning: free) way to improve my black green thumb while helping beautify Capitol Hill!.
Me trying to put some elbow grease into it |
Last weekend, after purchasing a bulb planter, I was on my way planing nearly fifty bulbs in front of our bushes. There wasn't an exact method behind the way I planted them. I guess I kind of made a zig-zag pattern with the daffodils and then put little bunches (about three per hole) of crocuses in between. The best part is that daffodils and crocuses are said to come back every year!
After planting all those bulbs, my wrist was really sore (maybe I was doing it wrong?), but I can't wait to see what comes up at Springtime!
To find out more about the bulb giveaway for next year click here.
Good luck with your flowers! I'm not a green thumb type of person either. But next Spring, I know which flowers and shrubs to buy for my next try. I heard that you can also grow bulbed flowers in rocks with water (no soil). I googled it on ehow. :-) http://www.ehow.com/how_5612720_grow-bulbs-vase-water.html