The Summer Olympics have come an gone but the Brioni have gone fencing! Wrought iron fencing that is. :) As I said in this post and vented about in this post, the one home improvement we decided to do this year was invest in an iron fence. Here are some shots of our fence's contstruction. The company we selected, City Ornamental Iron, constructed the fence and the handrail over the course of a week and half. We weren't really in a hurry so we were fine with them doing the job in phases.
Here is a shot of the truck as it arrived one morning.
Here are the guys making holes for the fence posts to go into. I wonder if I was creeping them out; taking these pictures from my front door. Or maybe they just thought I was being a typical Asian, tanking pictures of
The fence came in pre-assembled sections so it was kind of like putting a puzzle together...only a lot harder...and with welding...and fire!
They came back a few days later to do the gate which I love! Opening it when I go to/from work always brings a smile to my face! I swear, wrought iron fences are like the urban version of the white picket fence. :) They truly give you a sense of home!

After they finished the gate and fence, the last thing they did was install the handrail. Notice the little bit of caution tape. Maybe to warn us not to run into it? :) We knew this was something that had to be done since our first home inspection and we obviously couldn't make one like Justin did here. Man, it feels good to be compliant! Take that insurance comany! hehehe...
Here's a wide shot of the finished product!
So there you have it. Although, it isn't as enjoyable as a new backyard would have been (that'll come soon enough!), we think it adds a ton of curb appeal. And when we're outside the "boys" no longer have to be confined by a baby gate on our front stoop! Have a good weekend everybody!
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