Have you ever waited in line for something for hours? The latest iPhone? Concert tickets? I've only waited in a super long line for a few things. One, HFStival tickets, a long time ago when I was in college. Two, for a Christian Louboutin shoe signing where he signed my wedding shoes that an be seen here. And the most recent time I had to wait in a super long line was for the Young House Love Book signing in Washington, DC.
Young House Love (YHL) is do-it-yourself/home improvement blog written by a married couple from Richmond, VA. They came to FLOR a few months back to do a book signing of their first book.
Here is a shot of where the signing took place. The FLOR store in Georgetown.
Here's a shot of the winding line outside of the store. Excuse the crappy cell phone shot. Unlike some of the other YHL book signings that were at conventions (i.e.: large spaces), the FLOR store is a converted row house so it obviously couldn't hold that many people--meaning most folks had to wait outside.
But not to worry. It wasn't too cold (30-40 degrees, unlike the chilliness we've been experiencing lately)...AND, there was a cookies and milk truck parked outside! I made quite a few trips tasting all of their wares. Their snickerdoodle and chocolate chip cookies were to die for!

Unfortunately, right when I made it to the entrance of the store they announced that they had run out of books. Too bad the Barnes & Noble in Georgetown had closed down or else I would have run down the street to get one. Well, since I had already waited 3.5 hours there was no turning back!
Here's a shot of me in line right before I got to their table. The FLOR folks were kind enough to take pictures for people that were riding solo like myself.
When I got to their table I couldn't think of anything cool to say. The girl before me in line had worked on the set of True Blood so I decided to mention my little 15 minutes of fame aka: House Hunters.
We talked about how it is somewhat staged...
And how that Yahoo article mentioned that some episodes are straight up fake! But what reality tv show is really REAL these days?
I look like I'm in deep explanation mode in this picture...
Anyway, here is the quintessential picture with the authors. I wasn't really star struck per se, but more happy for their success which is why I wanted to come to the event in the first place--to show my support. :)
And in lieu of a signed book, they signed a book plate for me to put in the book once I got it. However, I got the book for Christmas, but have yet to put the autograph in it. One of these days...
So what about you? Have you ever waited in a long line for anything? What was it and was it worth it?
I really enjoy going to book signings, they are so exciting. Since it was a home improvement book, I am sure I would have wound up asking a lot of how-to questions. I am sure they get quite a bit of that.