I think the theme of this blog post is "small victories." Although we have ton of stuff that we would like to do to our house (i.e.: kitchen backslash, refinish floors, etc.) sometimes you need some small victories in order to feel better about yourself/home accomplishments until you are ready to tackle the "big stuff." Justin and I spent the weekend hanging stuff up around the house. If you know Justin, he really hates hanging pictures, but he's a necessary part of the process, so there is no way for him to get out of it. Sorry babe!
One thing I realized that we needed was a key rack. Since we didn't have a key rack I made one out of the this University of Kentucky plaque that Justin got for Christmas. All we did was screw in a couple of hooks on the bottom.
Yes! It shows school spirit and is functional as well!
Hopefully, the key rack will prevent instances like this from happening!
LOL, Jo Koy cracks me up!
We also finally put up the Nate Berkus tortoise shell I got for Christmas in our bedroom. #goterps Excuse the improperly staged bookcase ;) House Beautiful or Elle Decor we are not at the moment, hahaha...
The major task of the weekend was actually putting a huge decal up. I ordered this huge decal from Fab.com probably a year ago but had put off putting it up. The cylindrical tube that it was in was literally collecting dust so I figured it was about time that we put the darn thing up on the wall. After I picked a location (the upstairs landing), it was time to get started.
A couple of before shots...sorry for the poor quality shots but you get the idea...Justin mentally preparing himself for the task ahead, LOL...

Neither one of us had put up a wall decal before so we pretty much had to learn on the spot. Trust me, this is nothing like a fathead where you just plop it on the wall and you're done. It literally had a million little pieces that we had to put in the perfect place.
Here's Justin making sure the decal was in the right place. We broke up the design into several different parts.
Next we had to rub the design onto the wall. This task was really tedious because you had to make sure you rubbed hard so it would stick.
Some shots of the almost completed design...almost done!

Justin and Derby showing off the finished product!
I don't know how the heck I did it, but I created a gif of the frenchies in front of the decal. How friggin' cool is that? Kinda looks like Louie is inspecting the work!
There you have it--fancy gif and all. We are still not done putting stuff up on our walls (still have a gallery wall on our to do list) but I'm glad we were able to cross off some "small victories" off of our list!
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