
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Our Attempt at Chicken Cordon Bleu

A few weeks back we had cooked an entire spiral ham. Needless to say, we had a ton of leftovers. Besides, making egg muffins (which I'll feature on the blog soon!) I wanted to find recipes that featured ham/pork!

I got this recipe from Hopefully Homemade and she called it, "Chicken Cordon Bleu - Loosely Paleo." However, the neat thing about this recipe is that you can make it a paleo as you need it to be! If you don't eat ham/pork you can use another meat! You can use cheese from a grassfed source if you have it, or just omit cheese altogether and have a meat roll-up (chicken and ham) as I like to call it. I think the official name is a roulade. ;) Anyway, the possibilities are endless!

So here are the ingredients:
6 boneless chicken thighs (we used chicken breast)
6 slices bacon (instead of wrapping it in bacon, we stuffed it with ham)
5 oz goat cheese (we just used the swiss that was in our fridge)
1 egg
1 Tablespoon water
3/4 cup almond meal (for my husband's, he used bisquick)

The following ingredients are for your selected dredge:
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon dry minced onion
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
A pinch or two of dry mustard powder

Lastly, some toothpicks and a glass or ceramic baking dish

Eek. Since we didn't have toothpicks (I know, what house doesn't have toothpicks? Ours apparently!) we tried to MacGuyver some using coffee stirrers.

Justin displaying said coffee stirrer...

And the rigged up "toothpicks"

I don't cook much but I was able to help out by letting out my aggressions on flattening out the chicken breasts...

Here's a close up of Justin wrapping up the ham and cheese. It a bit tricky because we stuffed them to the brim!

He can hardly contain his excitement!

Here's a shot of Justin dredging the chicken in the almond meal with the egg in the background.

Obviously mine are the brown ones (almond meal) and his are the white ones (bisquick)

We baked it at 375 for 30 minutes or so. Sorry, I can't remember how long exactly since I like to stare at the food while it cooking...I kid...kinda... :) However long we cooked it we were happy for the results! Look at the crispy coating!

With that ooey, gooey meaty goodness!

A close up shot of all the insides!
And a shot of the complete meal!

Overall, I would say the meal was a complete success. But for someone who eats as voraciously as Justin does it was like Russian roulette, since the stirrer/toothpicks were kind of hard to see while eating! Whoopsy. Just imagine taking your next bite not knowing when the next toothpick/coffee stirrer might hit! LOL, next time we'll invest in some long bamboo skewers or at least some toothpicks with flags to prevent any possible eating injury ;)

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