Here is a shot of the master at work!
They even tossed out 8-bit fatheads of fun!
Barbra Streisand!
Mr. Goldbar! The mascot for his record label, Fools Gold! Did you know that you can volunteer to dress up as Mr. Goldbar at his shows? Girls can even be t-shirt tossers!
Gahhh! Being a former member of the Nat Pack I knew I could have done that, but I didn't get the memo! That was my first #FOMO moment of the evening. Wah wah. But if I did do it maybe it would have looked something like this?

One of the lucky people that caught one of the fatheads let me take a picture with it!
My second #FOMO moment was that I learned that he sticks around after his shows to take selfies with his fans! And again I found out too late and they wouldn't let me back in after I left. :( Despite my #FOMO moments I had the best time! As he says on his Instagram, "Go to an A-trak show!" I say, "Go to an A-trak show! You won't be disappointed!"
That wasn't the only thing I did over the weekend. On Friday my crossfit box held its first Rubicon Smackdown. The Smackdown was a friendly competition of strength between other members of the box.
I got volunteered to judge a portion of the competition. Luckily, it didn't involve counting! I judged overhead squats so you either have it or you don't! Here is Kate going for max reps!
PJ lifting a sh** ton of weight!
The Smackdown wasn't without some tasty barbecue, dessert, and brews! Check out this Rogue bottle opener!
Prowler pushing time!
This event also served as a farewell party for Kendra, one of our crossfit coaches. After living here for about a year, she was moving back home to Oregon! I'm really going to miss her and I'm also going to miss her taste in music! Her dubstep selections really pumped me up during my workouts!
After all those fun filled events, the rest of the weekend was low key. We checked out this sub place in NE DC called Mother Ruckers.
And then we watched U.S. Men's Soccer Team play Portugal. #WorldCup #IBelieveThatWeWillWin (on Thursday! :).
I hope you all had a fun weekend too! Have a great rest of the week! :)
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